Last Day on Earth 秘籍,為您提供更多提示和技巧

如果你想作弊 Last Day on Earth 劈, then you are here at the right place. If you want to step up the pace of Last Day on Earth, you won’t miss these Last Day on Earth cheats below that work to get unlimited items like food, water, and more resources.

Last Day On Earth

特點 Last Day on Earth 劈

This hack for Last Day on Earth 做以下事情:

  • Unlimited Coins: Buy something with coins that you can afford to increase them.
  • Anti-Cheat: Disable Cheat detection.
  • Item Duplication: Split an Item to get more.
  • Free Crafting: Craft without required items. Do not craft unreleased items or your game will stop loading! See the Club to find out which ones you shouldn’t craft.
  • Free Building: Build without required items.
  • Free Upgrading: Upgrade without required items.
  • Building hack: Thanks to the features above
  • Infinite Weapon.
  • Infinite All Armor.
  • Unlimited Skill Points: Use skill points to increase them. No Level Requirement for Crafting.
  • Loot Boxes Hack!: Open 1 loot box and gain 10,000! If IAP/Free Store is patched, use this to gain a lot of loot boxes when opening one.
  • Item Increase Hack: When taking an item from your inbox, it will take it and still keep it in your inbox. If you have a lot of the same item, you can increase said item as much as you want!
  • Unlock All Items: All blueprints unlocked!
  • Bow One Hit Kill: One Hit Kill enemies with your bow. WORKS on killing The Big One!
  • Unlimited Consumables: Unlimited Food, Water, etc.
  • High Rate of Fire: One Hit Kill. Works well on Shotguns.

Last Day on Earth cheats on iOS and Android

上 Last Day on Earth, you need to defeat zombies with everything such as building homes, traps, and weapons. But, it takes many time and effort. You will learn more about how to use these resources with a useful Q&A of the Last Day on Earth. Without skills, tricks, and cheats in Last Day on Earth, most of them cost players much more time but only get a little step forward at your goals. That’s why you are here to find Last Day on Earth cheats that help you to get unlimited resources. To overcome these limitations, you may want to cheat on the Last Day on Earth 哈克。

Cheats on Last Day on Earth 破解 iOS

Last Day on Earth 破解 iOS comes with many resources to deal with various situations as you level up. You can cheat on Last Day on Earth Hack with the following features:

  1. Free Crafting: Craft without required items.
  2. Free Building: Build without required items.
  3. Free Upgrading: Upgrade without required items.
  4. Building hack
  5. 無限武器/物品耐久度
  6. 無限所有裝甲耐久性
  7. 無限技能點
  8. Loot Boxes Hack
  9. Item Increase Hack
  10. Unlock All Items: All blueprints are unlocked!
  11. Bow One Hit Kill
  12. Unlimited Food, Water, etc

Cheats on Last Day on Earth Mod APK

Over time, you’ll find that the original version of Last Day on Earth is complex, and the Last Day on Earth 國防部APK will help you solve many tricky problems. You can get the following features:

  1. 上帝模式
  2. Custom Damage Taken
  3. Custom Damage Inflicted
  4. Movement Speed Multiplier (enemy also benefits)
  5. Ignore defecate debuffs
  6. 沒有技能冷卻時間
  7. Always Critical Hits
  8. No need to Aim
  9. 愚蠢的敵人
  10. Items don’t get consumed when used
  11. Duplicate Items when Splitting
  12. World Map Cheap Travel
  13. World Map Fast Travel
  14. Ignore requirements on several actions (unlock items, craft them without consuming items, build without destroying items)
  15. 解鎖皮膚
  16. 解鎖武器修改

More useful tips and tricks of Last Day on Earth

Game progress is crucial for all. If you fail in the game, you will start again. That’s why saving progress is significant. Wouldn’t it be vital to start the game with tons of resources? Thankfully, the Last Day on Earth data is saved in your account, so you can log in to get it. Bad news, not all games can automatically save progress. What should you do?

熊貓保存數據 is a local game save function developed by Panda Helper VIP. Players can save game data on the phone. Restore game data and progress by local save at any time.

Water is essential to survive on the Last Day on Earth. You won’t survive for three days in the game without any water. So it would help if you refilled the water bottle Continuously on the Last Day on Earth. The good news on how to fill water bottles in Last Day on Earth is that it is pretty easy to get water, even from a lower level.

The free gift every day

Disappointingly, most players don’t realize they’ve already received three free bottles of water at the start of the game every day.

Loot it

Bunker Alfa is a good place where you can quickly and guaranteed to get water into filled bottles because you will not find any zombies here, except inside the Vault.

Craft a Rain Catcher

If you want a continuous supply of drinkable water, you need to build a “Rain Catcher” near the shelter. Once it’s made, you can put an empty bottle inside. After 10 minutes, the empty bottle will be filled. There is no doubt a Rain Catcher is the best way to keep stocked up on water. You will need 2 Scrap Metal, 3 Pieces of Cloth, and 10 Pine Log to craft a Rain Catcher.

Tips: You should never throw away your empty water bottles because they are a little hard to obtain.

On LDOE: Survival, you need a lot of items to survive. Are you looking for Last Day on Earth items like plank floors, walls, or even leather? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

斧頭3 Pine Log, 3 Limestone
鶴嘴鋤3 Pine Log, 3 Limestone
3 Pine Log
小盒子3 Pine Log, 5 Plant Fiber
篝火晚會5 Pine Log, 5 Limestone, 1 Plant Fiber
花園床5 Pine Log, 1 Plant Fiber
基本背包2 Rope, 3 Plant Fiber
木工台10 Pine Log, 5 Iron Ore
淋浴3 Iron Ore, 10 Pine Log, 1 Piece of Cloth
熔煉爐10 Limestone, 5 Iron Ore
CB電台3 Pine Plank, 5 Iron Bar, 1 Wiring
Makeshift Bat5 Pine Plank, 3 Duct Tape
雨捕手10 Pine Log, 3 Piece of Cloth, 2 Scrap Metal
劈刀10 Pine Plank, 5 Iron Bar, 5 Bolts
膠布5 Piece of Cloth
爸爸帽2 Plant Fiber, 1 Piece of Cloth
襯衫3 Plant Fiber, 3 Piece of Cloth
工裝褲3 Plant Fiber, 3 Piece of Cloth, 2 Rope
運動鞋2 Plant Fiber, 1 Piece of Cloth, 2 Rope
切石者的桌子20 Pine Plank, 10 Iron Bar, 5 Scrap Metal
火炬5 Pine Log, 1 Animal Rawhide, 2 Rope
胸部5 Pine Plank, 5 Rope
Meat Dryer5 Pine Plank, 12 Rope, 10 Limestone
曬黑架15 Pine Plank, 5 Iron Bar, 15 Rope, 5 Scrap Metal
門墊15 Plant Fiber, 5 Animal Rawhide, 10 Rope
尖刺陷阱10 Pine Plank, 10 Rope, 2 Scrap Metal
克利弗5 Iron Bar, 5 Leather, 4 Pine Plank
Sewing Table20 Pine Plank, 15 Iron Bar, 5 Rubber Parts
亞視25 Iron Bar, 20 Pine Plank, 15 Wiring, 15 Bolts, 10 Duct Tape
撬棍7 Iron Bar, 3 Leather
豆豆3 Thick Fabric, 5 Rope, 5 Pieces of Cloth
Thick Jacket5 Thick Fabric, 7 Rope, 5 Leather
牛仔布牛仔褲5 Thick Fabric, 7 Rope, 5 Leather
工作靴1 Thick Fabric, 7 Rope, 8 Leather
工作台15 Pine Plank, 10 Iron Bar, 4 Stone Brick
無線電塔8 Oak Plank, 10 Steel Bar, 15 Wiring, 25 Scrap Metal
Nail Board5 Pine Plank, 8 Nails, 3 Duct Tape
落地燈7 Iron Bar, 5 Thick Fabric, 3 Wiring, 2 Duct Tape

The “Big One” is a giant zombie which resides in Level 3 zones. These areas include Infected Forest, Pine Wood, and Limestone Spires. Now for the 3 most essential tools, you must have to kill The Big One on Last Day on Earth 生存。

Powerful gunsVSS Vintorez
M16 or even AK-47
Strong protections
(SWAT Gear Sets)
sets of strong trousers
急救包lots of First Aid Kits


  1. Please prepare several quantities of weapons.
  2. Recommend taking at least 2 complete SWAT gear sets.
  3. You may need to have lots of First Aid Kits.
  4. Quick slot: you can place items in the quick slots, and then you can use them whenever you want with just a click.

Bunker Alfa is the most critical resource in Last Day on Earth. If you want to upgrade quickly, then Alfa is the best choice for you. Once you clear out Alfa, you will be rich that obtain guns and armor. Bunker Alfa consists of a ground-floor level and four underground sub-levels, which are accessed by password to access the sublevels of Bunker Alfa. You can find the code at the following locations.

Methods for obtaining codes:


In a word, these are Last Day on Earth cheats that work and benefit players. From unlocking rare items to fast upgrades, these cheats give you the upper hand in your quest for survival. Whether you’re looking to build new territories or defeat powerful Big One, The Last Day cheats provide you with easy ways to overcome challenges.
